Deck Importer
Enter your deck list or a link to a deck. Then place the downloaded file in Tabletop Simulator's Saved Objects folder:
Important: This tool is moving. After November 28, 2022, this site will stop working from this address.
Please use the new URL at:
Downloads (Tabletop Simulator)
How many?
How many?
Text Lists
How many?
When entering a deck list, these sites are supported:
Use for the most accurate import, keeping your selected printings and art choices.
When entering a deck list, identify cards by either just a name, a name and set code, or a set code and collector number. (MTG Arena format)
Tokens will be added automatically. To use specific a specific version or art for a token, include the token anywhere in your deck list, like this:
Some custom cards are available. You can see the available custom cards here. Use custom cards as normal by specifying their set code (and optionally their collector number), such as:
You can specify custom card images (alters) by setting a card's comment on to a URL to the image you want to use.